The Best Reasons Why An Architecture Course Could Be For You

Have yofaced the dilemma of having to choose between an architecture course and something else that would please your parents? 

Nowadays, many students are quick to perceive architecture as ‘just being good at drawing buildings’ without truly understanding the nature of an architect’s role and what they do.  

sketching in an architecture course.

So, we’ll be covering what is it architects do and why their contribution is so important to the betterment of society. 

To begin with, architecture is the art form of designing and constructing buildings. Anyone with a passion for design will thrive in architecture, as you’ll be able to conceptualize artwork from your imagination and turn them into functional structures in society.  

Develop Problem-solving Skills 

As an architect, you’ll constantly be solving problems to design a building that is safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Architects also use their skills and knowledge of structures to come up with creative solutions to the problems that we face in real estate such as overdevelopment, lack of space, and affordable housing.  

Thus, an architecture course will teach and hone your problem-solving skills to be both practical and creative in approach. Throughout the design process, you will learn how to identify issues, think up a solution, visualize the outcome, and rationalize your argument to reflect aesthetic elements while considering all aspects of a building’s needs.  

By developing effective problem-solving skills, you get better at identifying the root of an issue and can solve it to the best of your ability. Not only are you making the world a much better place to live in, but contributing to positive change through your art brings about a rich sense of fulfilment as an architect.   

Travel The World 

Did you know that architecture and travel go together hand in hand? 

If you have a desire to see the world and be inspired from different forms of architecture from exotic countries around the world, then an architecture course is the way to go. In fact, it’s a must-do on any architecture student’s bucket list to travel and see how the different cultures and art interact to produce exceptional forms of architecture.  

architecture designs from different countries.

Architects travel often to see different cultures, discover inspiration in various places, and study how different structures integrate to form a unique piece of art. As an architecture student, you will be able to take advantage of opportunities to study abroad to expand your knowledge and culture of another country. Travelling to new places will give you a new perspective on life and open your mind to innovative ways of design and creation.  

Create As Much As You Want 

Studying an architecture course allows you to use that passion of yours to create. You get to be an inventor and design new buildings that have potential to be approved as a real-life project. It is a fulfilling and rewarding process to see your art on paper be slowly transformed into a real, physical building.  

an architectural design.

In architecture, you’ll be producing detailed drawings of a concept or idea before presenting it to the client. Once you’ve created the initial draft, you’ll be using computer-aided software such as AutoCAD to test the functionality of the design. This process will require many revisions and changes based on the client’s requirements, but when they finally approve your design, that’s when you realize all your hard work paid off! 

From sketches, models, computerized drawings, collages, photographs, and presentation boards, you won’t be running out of ideas to create anytime soon!  

Express Your Creativity 

If you’re a student who wants to make a profession out of your artistic skills or enjoys being hands-on in your work, then an architecture course could be what you’re looking for. Not only will it help you utilize the best of your potential, but it will also hone your creative ability to express them in different forms.  

During your architecture studies, you will be making many sketches and drawings. These activities exercise your creativity and encourages you to expand your imagination. The sketchpad is your studio and the computer is where you bring your designs to life.  

designing with architecture software.
Image Source:

As you pour out new ideas onto your sketchpad and improve on existing work with computerized software, these initiatives will shape you to be a professional architect that can freely express their creative ability through models, paintings, 3D drawings, renderings, and more.  

Gain Diversity In Skills 

Architecture is a field that requires both artistic ability and analytical skills. As an architecture student, you’ll not only be drawing and designing sketches but utilize analytical thinking to understand the technical side of construction. There is a need to comply with safety procedures and building regulations during construction, so it is important for budding architects to understand the technical requirements and specifications of the project.  

site visits are important for architecture course..
Image Source:

Aside from sketching designs, you’ll also be working with computer design software like AutoCAD, Photoshop, Revit, and Cinema 4D to create real-life models for clients. By the end of your studies, you’ll have mastered various software and learnt how to use it to present major projects to clients. 

Throughout your studies, you will gain a diverse portfolio in skills—by learning about the design of historical buildings, understanding how a building is built, and learning how to calculate important angles. This will leave you with a broad skill set when you graduate! 

Work In An Esteemed Profession 

Aside from being a fulfilling course and career choice, architecture is a well-respected profession that pays well. For example, a Solution Architect can earn up to RM10,000 in Malaysia, whereas a Senior Architect can earn up to RM7,000. As fresh graduates earn between RM2,500 to RM3,000 as their starting income, they have a potential salary increase of up to RM8,000.  

Furthermore, architects have the opportunity to earn multiple streams of income through their wide range of skills. Many architects first start out as employees for a firm before expanding to work with multiple companies or engage with clients for freelance work at Upwork or Fiverr. From the training and duration of study they go through to make it as a professional architect, the pay they receive is well worth the effort.  

an architecture course will train you to be a good architect.


The work of an architect never goes unseen.

Buildings such as entertainment centres, residential neighbourhoods, educational institutions, and various public structures are important for people to live, learn, and enjoy among themselves. People appreciate the effort architects put into the thought and design towards creating something useful for society.  

By studying an architecture course, it will lead you to travel and discover exotic cultures, meet new people, and explore innovative designs that will allow you to have a deepened appreciation for life.  

Plus, being able to draw upon your experiences and creating purpose in your art will lead you to discover a whole new world you never knew existed in architecture! 

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