College Life Is The Best Time Of Your 20s. Here's Why.

College life can feel challenging at first.

Transitioning from high school to university is something many of us go through. If you’re like me who had to move to the city to pursue a tertiary education, stepping out of your parents’ grasp for the first time is quite daunting. 

Student leaving home to experience college life. Image source: Unsplash

I started university as an insecure freshman who’d say ‘yes to everything thrown at me because I was afraid of offending people.  

But once I had gotten a hang of it, this new chapter quickly became the best time of my life. I spent my remaining years picking up valuable skills, learning new things about myself, and building confidence through a series of challenges. Looking back at the precious memories, I would never exchange that experience with anything else in the world. 

Here are five reasons why you should enjoy college life to the fullest, and 4 ways to make the most of it.

Female college student smiling behind a book. Image source: Unsplash

Pursue Your Passion As Part Of Your College Life

Every high school student has a subject or two that they dislike. University life offers you a rare chance to explore subjects that you like. Psychology, Lawthe Creative Arts or Computer Science, nothing can stop you from pursuing your passion.

A group of university friends going through college life together. Image source: Unsplash

Student Privileges Make College Life So Much Better

Don’t take these privileges lightly! University students get plenty of discounts on clothing, movies, meals, and even amusement park entrance fees! You can enjoy your university experience to the fullest and save lots of money at the same time! 

Students enjoying student shopping privileges as part of college life.

Image source: Unsplash

Gain New Friendships 

Many students live away from their families, so your roommates and course mates will be loyal buddies who stand by your side through thick or thin. As you develop meaningful friendships with them, your college life will be filled with people you can count on even for years to come. 

Travelling student walking on a wooden bridge facing the sunset. Image source: Unsplash

You Learn A Lot About Yourself 

Your college life is a period for you to try new things with friends! Push yourself beyond your comfort zone by joining a society, participating in charity events, and taking on part-time jobs. Through these experiences, you will be clear about your strengths and weaknesses which also helps to build confidence. 

College life brings travelling friends together. Image source: Unsplash

Free Time To Explore New Places 

Semester breaks are the best! Students can enjoy up to 3 months of break depending on the duration of their semester. This is the best time for you to be a tourist and explore new places with your friends! Besides, your parents are not around to nag you about staying out too late. Yay to freedom! 

Now that you know about the temptations of college life, here’s how to make the most of it so you can graduate with zero regrets. 

Invest In Yourself 

Personal development is important to university students. You are one step away from working life, so improving yourself by developing communication and interpersonal skills goes a long way. You can also take classes for activities that you enjoy, such as painting, dancing, and playing a musical instrument. Or if you prefer to invest in your finances, take on a side hustle and earn money to fund your classes! Trust me, it’s worth it. 

Learn To Set Boundaries 

Saying ‘yes’ all the time is exhausting. You should learn to set boundaries to protect your mental health. You might find yourself in uncomfortable situations regarding group projects, part-time jobs, and your relationships. Listen to your instincts and reject or agree to the requests politely. You shouldn’t feel guilty for the decisions that you make if you know what’s best for yourself. 

Be Grateful For What You Have 

Being thankful makes you humble. You’re supported by your family and are surrounded by like-minded friends. Without them, your university life will not be as fulfilling. Besides, once you’ve achieved a goal, give yourself some time to appreciate the efforand time spent on it before moving on to the next one. You’ll feel more satisfied with your work! 

Prioritize The Journey, Not The Destination 

Barack Obama once said, “You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.” When you fail once, don’t assume that you will fail again even before you begin. Learn to let go and most importantly, learn from your mistakes. Focus on the journey and do what you can to produce an even better outcome from the first.

A student graduating from college life.
Image source: Unsplash

This may sound like a cliche, but university life is indeed an experience of a lifetime. The ups and downs you face are all part your own unique adventure in university, so remember to embrace them. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from enjoying this exciting new chapter! 

If you need help with your college application, contact us at +60 11-2069 9087 or drop us an email at

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