Move Over, Make Up. Skincare Is Officially The New Thing Now

Ngl, I don’t have the greatest looking skin. 

I have large pores and get angry breakouts when it’s that time of the month. I tried wearing make-up before, but my sensitive skin was just not having it. After having multiple inflammations and irritated skin for days, I decided to focus on a good skincare routine instead.  

First of all, let’s admit that having precious foundation smudged on our face masks is not the best feeling. I’m sure some of you even got maskne from it (acne caused by wearing face masks). 

Girl in bathrobe doing skincare Image source: Unsplash

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the idea of wearing make-up. But I personally believe that having healthy skin is more important. Besides, I could save more money by practicing minimalist make-up and investing more on my skin’s natural glow. In fact, I find more people on board the idea of embracing authenticity and naturalness 

After researching and understanding my skin type, I developed my own daily and weekly skincare regime that gives me healthy, radiant skin. My steps are simple and don’t require too much budget and effort! 


    1. Cleanse your skin with a gentle face wash. 
    2. Tone your skin to balance its pH. 
    3. Apply serum (optional). 
    4. Apply eye cream (optional). 
    5. Apply moisturizer. Use a lighter texture during daytime if you’re going to wear make-up. 
    6.  Apply sunscreen. Never forget this step! 


    1. Cleanse. I personally use a mild make up remover first.  
    2. Exfoliate if you are applying a mask. (Don’t over-exfoliate! I do this bi-weekly at most.) 
    3. Tone your skin. This preps your skin for your masking session. 
    4. Put on a mask of your choice for 20-30 minutes. 
    5. Proceed with the rest of your routine. 
    6. Seal all the goodness with a moisturizer! 

I’ve been following this routine for a year. My breakouts aren’t as bad as before and I feel confident in my own skin now more than ever. 

Here’s what I learned:

1) Skincare is Subjective

Just because it works on your favorite TikToker, it doesn’t mean that it works for you too!  

For example, clay masks may be suitable for oily and combination skin, but that is not always the case for dry skin. It is important to understand what is best for your skin and what’s not. This could prevent a lot of unwanted skin troubles in the long run, which brings me to my next point.. 

2) Know Your Skin Type

Ask yourself: “What is my skin type?” 

Before I learned about my sensitive and combination skin, I would buy any moisturizer thinking they were all the same. I ended up with even oilier skin after using the wrong moisturizer several times — big yikes! 

There are gel, liquid/lotion, or cream, and each of them works best on a particular skin type. This applies to almost every product that you introduce into your skincare regime.

Man doing his skincare routine in front of the mirror 

Image source: Unsplash

Here’s a general list of skin types: 

  • Normal skin – Lucky you! Normal skin is neither too oily nor dry. A regular routine is sufficient for your skin. 
  • Oily skin – Your skin generally has a porous, bright appearance. Gel moisturizer works best on this skin type. 
  • Dry skin – Your skin feels tight and dry. In some cases, there may be itchiness, redness, and cracks on the skin. Cream moisturizers will help to retain skin moisture. 
  • Combination skin – You have an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), and the skin on your cheeks is either normal or dry. Gel, cream, or liquid/lotion will work well on your skin. 
  • Sensitive skin – This is a fragile skin type and may be paired with other skin types mentioned above. Irritations may occur in forms of tightness, itchiness, or redness. It’s best to use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturizer. 

3) Large Pores Runs In The Family 

Here’s the thing: pore size is genetic. 

I’ve tried countless remedies to make my large pores go away, but they irritated my sensitive skin even more. You can’t snap your large pores out of existence (sorry, there’s only one Thanos). However, you can minimize the appearance. One effective trick that I found is by washing your face with warm water and then rinsing with cold water. It’s an easy, cost-effective way to tighten up pores! 

You can also opt for charcoal or clay masks. They can draw out impurities, leaving your pores clean and ready to take in serums and all the good stuff. Be careful though, as these masks are not for every skin type. (Refer point #1)

4) Exfoliate Before Applying Sheet Masks

If you exfoliate before using a sheet mask, give yourself a pat on your shoulder. 

If you don’t, here’s why you should: Exfoliating removes dead skin and other impurities. It enhances absorption and makes it much easier for serum and key ingredients to penetrate deeper into your skin. It also leaves your skin bright and smooth, so there’s no reason for you to ignore this step! 

Exfoliating is also known to prevent clogged pores, hence, reduces breakouts. You must always look for non-comedogenic ingredients in an exfoliator. Non-comedogenic simply means that a product is formulated to avoid clogging pores. These products are usually oil-free. 

5) Never. Skip. Sunscreen. 

Seriously, DON’T. 

UV rays from the sun can cause wrinkles and age spots to appear on your skin, which are signs of premature skin aging. You should always wear a sunscreen even if it’s cloudy outside.  

“But what if I’m indoors?” some of you may ask. Well, UV rays can penetrate through windows, so there’s no excuse! 

Sunscreen is a vital part of skincare Image source: Unsplash

It is best to use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 and above. You should also avoid getting under the sun between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and wear a hat that protects your face from the rays if yohave to be outdoors at that time.

6) Avoid These Habits 

External care itself is insufficient for a healthy skin. What you put into your body counts too! Below are some habits that may cause your skincare efforts to go to waste: 

  • Smoking 
  • Drinking too little water 
  • Eating too much dairy, sugary, and oily foods 
  • Not taking in enough vitamins and Omega-3 foods 

Self-Care Equals Self-Love 

Skincare contributes to your self-love routine 

Image source: Unsplash

To me, a skincare routine feels calming especially after a long day at work. I even find myself looking forward to it because it helps me unwind and relax, knowing that my skin is receiving all the attention it needs. It takes time to form the right regime as it requires trial and error, but the result is always worth your time. 

If you are new to skincare, it may feel like a chore at first. Once you find a routine that works, your skin will thank you for this!  


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Jocelyn Cheng

Jocelyn Cheng

Jocelyn Cheng (JC) is an INFP writer seeking to spread inspiration and spark connections through her words. Her dedication to writing has gifted her with an ability to write for multiple platforms (e.g., website, social media, newspaper, magazine, etc) in different fields, namely Education, Travel, and Healthcare. JC personalizes her works by adding a touch of her own experience into the mix whenever she can to relate to her readers. A self-proclaimed poet and currently a freelance writer, she's working on an untitled poetry book at home while juggling between writing for Eduloco, dancing, and keeping her only plant alive.

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