Study Aircraft Engineering Abroad!

Introduction to Aircraft Engineering

The aviation industry is one of the biggest sectors in the world. Tourism is highly reliant functionality and operations of aviation companies to gain profit. Aircraft engineering is one of the main workforce professions these companies need in order to provide them with the final product.

If you are someone who is keen to build, assemble and focused driven results then this course is for you. Studying Aircraft Engineering in Malaysia specifically would be a great for you. 

This course prepares you to have the knowledge and skills to meet the standards and perform safety checks. You will be performing electrical and mechanical tasks that involves the components of an aircraft.

Fields of Aircraft Engineering

What are the subjects covered in this field?

Field: Aerospace Engineering


  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Physics

  • Analytical Method for Engineer

  • Aerospace Mechanics

  • Electrical Fundamentals for Maintenance Engineers

  • Electronic Fundamentals for Maintenance Engineers

  • Professional Engineering Techniques

  • Aerospace Materials and Hardware

What are the career prospects?

Aerospace Engineering is a well respected job that has a massive pool of intelligent talents. If you are an aspiring student who really enjoy to be challenged then this course is for you. The current job market to be an Aerospace Engineer is unsaturated which means that the competition to get an employment offer right after graduation is low.  

What are the skills needed?

Eye for detail: There is a big responsibility to make sure that aircrafts are safe to operate. As an Aircraft Engineer, he or she ensures that the aircrafts are maintained and are in good condition. 

Handy: Being able to apply the theoretical concepts learned in a lecture room is a plus. One must be good with his or hands to be able to apply and do a practical experiences before stepping into the real world. You must be good with books as well for you to be able to adapt to any challenges this field has.

Versatile: If you love traveling you will find this field exciting, as an Aerospace Engineer you have to be prepared for a lot of traveling. Working for an airline company will require a commitment with being flexible. Which means that you have to be able to adapt to anything.

Are you interested to study this subject in Malaysia?

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