1) You Won’t Be Affected By Critics
The best example of giving a f**k lies in caring about what critics think.
Everyone has an opinion. But just because they’re entitled to one, doesn’t mean you have to listen to it.
Are you in pain because a classmate made a snide remark about your college outfit? Or does it mean your future is doomed because your aunt disapproved of your career choice?
If we listened to what other people had to say about our lives, we wouldn’t have any control over our own. So stop putting in energy about what people think and start focusing on how you can live your best life. If someone hates on you, chances are you’re doing something right!
2) You’ll Become More Confident
Nothing builds self-confidence more than not giving a f**k about what others think. Once you reach this point, a whole new horizon opens—you start feeling confident enough to believe in whatever you’re doing, regardless of what people think or say.
Instead of letting people sway your decisions or influence you into doing something you dislike, you’ll feel more empowered to make your own choices and stick by them. Now that’s a huge accomplishment!
3) You Won’t Succumb To Pressure
Societal pressure is a pain. You know those lists that society holds you up to—things to achieve before turning 30, or a bucket list for your twenties?

Screw those lists. There is no law that states you have to do these before turning 30, so why give yourself unnecessary stress for no reason?
You don’t have to abide to societal norms to fit in and be successful. As an individual with unique characteristics and traits, that’s really all you need. Heck, you could even start making your own bucket list, personalized to you!
4) You Burn Bridges When Necessary
Some people just don’t want you to be happy. They prefer you to be reliant on them so they can drag you down, mess with your self-esteem, and make you feel bad about yourself.
These friendships are toxic and unhealthy. You want to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you to reach your goals. If you feel insecure and anxious around these ‘friends’ most of the time, chances are that friendship isn’t good for you.
This is where not giving a f**k comes in handy—you can burn that bridge without regrets! While some people might not be advocates of burning bridges, I believe there are certain situations that you just need to walk away from in order to move forward. That way, people know when not to mess with you!
5) You’ll Do What Makes You Happy
Aristotle once said, ‘Happiness depends on ourselves.’
He couldn’t be more right. Our happiness lies within ourselves, not upon the approval of others. If you constantly seek out other people’s judgement rather than trust your own, you are giving away your precious f**ks to people who may not deserve it. And more often than not, you can’t get those back.
Instead of basing your decisions on what people think, focus on you. Your needs, priorities, and goals come first. These people have not even walked a mile in your shoes, so why does their opinion matter before yours?
In short, giving less f**ks allows you to truly focus on what matters most—doing what makes you happy.

We only have a limited amount of f**ks to give. If you waste them by gossiping over irritating co-workers or obsessing over small mistakes, you’ll end up drained and exhausted. Instead of putting your time and energy to productive use, you’re wasting them over things that you have no control over.
Start saving your f**ks and get comfortable with saying no. With enough practice, you’ll reach the point of not giving an F about what people say and do whatever you want. People will still talk and criticize, but you’ll take action without giving a damn anyway.
And that is what it truly means to not give a f**k.